We’re Here to Turn the Tide.
We’ve Got Pot Pride.

No more second class citizen treatment for cannabis consumers.
Drug testing for cannabis is job discrimination:
Judge us by the quality of our character, not the content of urine.
Marching, rally and protest chants:
(Call) Say it out loud: (response) ‘I smoke pot and I’m proud.’
We’re here to turn the tide. We’ve got Pot Pride!
We’re here. We’re high. Get used to it!
What do we want? Equal Rights! When do we want ’em? Now!
We will, we will — smoke pot! (like Queen’s ‘We will rock you.’)
Legalize today — Get high tonight!
We toke and we vote!
1-2-345! Organize to legalize!
Hemp, hemp — Hooray! (3x)
Give me an H – ‘H’! Give me an E – ‘E’! Give me an M – ‘M’! Give me a P – ‘P’!
What’s that spell? Hemp! What’s that spell? Hemp! What’s that spell? Hemp!
De-schedule Cannabis, It’s Just an Herb.
1-2-3-4 Time to end the Drug War; 5-6-7-8 Open up the prison gate!
Hey, Hey, DEA! How many homes did you seize today?
Out of the closets! Into the coffeeshops!